Brow Lift
A successful brow lift can help you defy the effects of gravity and restore a more natural and youthful contour to your eyebrows, upper eyelids and your forehead. There are several techniques that can be implemented for a brow lift.
Generally the most youthful contour is achieved when your eyebrow is positioned directly above the orbital rim. Remember that it is common for your eyebrows to become loose and saggy as you get older. Your eyebrows would also become flatter as a result of aging.
Am I a Good Candidate for a Brow Lift?
Well, if you are tired of living with flat eyebrows and a grumpy face, it is time you consider getting a brow lift done.
Forehead lift or brow lift can also work wonders if you have deep horizontal creases across the forehead or between the brows. This simple procedure can also correct excess fatty tissue or skin that hangs over the eyes.
Dr Turker has helped hundreds of client correct drooping eyelids and frown lines between the eyes. The corrective procedure has also helped people with sagging brows. Interestingly if your eyebrows hang down on the outside, it results in a sad expression. If your eyebrows are droopy and the central part of your brows hangs down, you look angry.
Brow Lift – What Can I Expect?
Several techniques have been employed for a brow lift. These include more complex techniques such as endoscopic brow lift and open brow lift. Sometimes small incisions are made in the forehead to elevate sagging parts of the eyebrows.
During an open brow lift, Dr. Turker will make a long incision across the forehead preferably in one of the hidden creases to gently lift the skin. Excess fat will be removed during this stage and the skin will be pulled into place so that you get a natural contour.
Endoscopic lifts are also popular and they are performed using an endoscope which is quite similar to a long, thin tube. Interestingly this tube has a small camera attached to one end so Dr. Turker can see and work on the delicate internal structures of your forehead and eyebrows. Perhaps the best thing about endoscopic brow lift is that it requires minor incisions.
Dr. Turker will decide what type of brow lift is right for you based on your facial features and of course, the aesthetic results you desire. You can rest assured that at the end of the surgery, you will achieve the most stunning and natural looking results.
Generally if you have mild or moderate sagging brows, an endoscopic lift is the best for you. If you require more dramatic results and want to get rid of severe brow droop and deep wrinkles, a deeper and more extensive brow lift is more appropriate.
Remember that incisions made across the top of your forehead remain well hidden in your hair. Similarly incisions made during endoscopic brow lift are tiny and remain hidden as well. You will be guided about the post surgery care during the initial consultation. To know more about brow lift, contact us today.
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